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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19927
This Months Entries: 18
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: mas

Member#: 7693
Registered: 29-06-2008
Diary Entries: 381

5th July 2008
Windsurfing: levington
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength: 20 mph F5 gust 6
Surf / Sea State: flat to bumpy
Air Temperature: 70
Sea Temperature:
Weather: perfect
Max Speed: 26.20 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: cant read

I took one look at the dip at Felixstowe..big sail..shore break..rough sea...mmm no thanks. Left the wave heads and joined Roger Paul and Richard new kid on the block from Jersey.
It was perfect tide had about 3 hrs of the best sail this year as we tanked it along the coastline in the big bay.
Rog and paul had 6M and 5.6M. Because it takes me so long to rig I kept the 7M I rig but I had to sit out the big gust, which was a shame. In fact my harness snap on one gust..
Paul had some bad luck, he killed a fin, then went out on 6M then promptly catapulted on a gust and went thru the sail. He wasn't a happy bunny. He went out on 5.6M which was the right size. Speeds weren,t great because I was out of control most of the time!
Sorry Guys I didn't miss Felixstowe! Ditto for me tommorrow, tide is about 3 so I will start 1.00 cos I have a few jobs am.

[ 1] 26.20 KTS
[ 2] 25.77 KTS
[ 3] 25.23 KTS
[ 4] 25.15 KTS
[ 5] 25.03 KTS
[ 6] 24.82 KTS
[ 7] 24.45 KTS
[ 8] 24.39 KTS
[ 9] 24.22 KTS
[10] 24.18 KTS
[11] 24.04 KTS
[12] 23.83 KTS
[13] 23.50 KTS
[14] 23.28 KTS

Toys Used:
Fanatic Eagle 126
Neil Pryde Spirit 5.4M
Curtiss Race 52 54cm



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